10 Key Exercises For Working Out At Home During COVID-19
In these trying times when most of the world’s population is cornered by a deadly virus, we are advised to stay at home and follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) to stay safe and keep others safe.
Working from home is getting more common and we have time to spare for the things that are otherwise neglected in a busy routine
Exercising as a beginner requires a guide and a helper to prevent injury or overloading, and that is why physical therapists and trainers are there. Our experts came up with these in-home physical therapy techniques that allow you to work-out without the risk of injury.
Here are 10 simple exercises to add to your fitness routine.
1. Back Extension

This targets your lower back muscles. Lie down on your belly on a soft steady surface. Fold your arms on your back and lift your head, shoulders, and chest up as far as painlessly possible forming a curve on your back. Make sure to keep your feet fixed on the ground. Hold for at least 10 seconds.
2. Glute Bridge

A core muscle strengthening exercise. Lie down on your back and bend both legs such that the hip and knee are at 90° and your feet are placed flat on the floor. Keep the feet in line with your shoulders to provide stability. With arms on the sides, tuck in your belly, lift your hip towards the ceiling making an inclined bridge shape from knees to chest. Maintain the position for at least 30 seconds.
3. Sit Ups

An abdominal strengthening exercise. Acquiring the same position as glute bridge, place your hands on the back of head and move towards the sitting position but only go halfway i.e., up to 60°, then slowly go back to lying. You can tuck your feet under a couch for support.
4. Planks

It is a widely known exercise for core and shoulder strengthening, however quite difficult to hold even for active individuals. It includes creating an inclined bridge with your back and legs. The key is to keep the spine in neutral position up to the cervical. There are variations to help you start with less difficulty in the start. For example, instead of placing your hands on the ground, use a higher supporting surface so your bridge is steeper. This lessens the load on the spine. You can use either hands or elbows for support. Maintain the pose for at least 60 seconds.
5. Lunges

Lower body workout, targets Quadriceps, Hamstrings, and Glutei. Stand upright. Put one foot forward and slowly bend the knee while moving your body downwards until the knee is at 90°. Straighten your knee in the same speed and go back to normal standing position. Put your hands on your pelvis for a steady posture. You can also hold on to some furniture for a little support if you are afraid of losing balance. Once you master the technique, balance will improve on its own.
6. Squats

Lower limb strengthening exercise often used particularly to enhance Glutei muscle. Squats seem simple but they are technical. An appropriate injury-free squat can be achieved by following a few steps. Keep your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your lower back straight at all points of exercise. Keep the knees aligned with the shoulders, stoop forward while squatting. This will help you keep your balance.
7. Calf Raises

Simple exercise to tone up the calves. But Did You Know that the calf muscle is known as the second heart of the body. The pump action of this muscle’s contraction enhances the venous return from lower body towards the heart. Therefore, the ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion, collectively knows as ankle pump movement is useful even when sitting or lying for longer periods to maintain normal blood flow.
8. Push-Ups

It is upper body workout, which is quite challenging. However, beginners can start by grasping onto a higher support such as the handle of a couch or foot side of the bed to make it less straining. You can also perform on the floor and place the knees on the floor for added support. Keep the hands shoulder width apart to maintain balance.
9. High Knees

Stand upright. Bring one knee towards the ceiling, back to floor, then the other knee up, and keep alternating between the legs. It is like running while staying at one point. This is an excellent exercise for warming up when you cannot go out for a run.
10. Jumping Jacks

Aerobic exercise excellent for warm-up, but a little harder than the previous one, as it involves moving all four limbs at once. It is important that you wear appropriate shoes and stand on a non-slippery surface to avoid injury.
Physical health is often dismissed because we fail to understand how it affects other aspects of our health. Exercise strengthens our body against trauma. It enhances the blood flow and keeps the heart healthy. It elevates our mood and induces relaxation. Take out time to indulge in exercise for your own good. Stay safe!
For more insights to in-home physical therapy and expert guidance, feel free to consult qualified professionals at 908-801-6425 or visit our Contact Page.