
In-Home Balance Training In New Jersey

Our patient-centered approach to balance training, tailoring interventions to the individual’s unique needs and goals. Our therapists use evidence-based techniques, including external cueing, task-specific training, and progressive balance challenges, to improve balance and reduce fall risk. We also prioritize education, helping patients understand the underlying causes of their balance problems and how to continue improving even after therapy has ended. Additionally, our therapists work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, such as physicians and physical therapists, to ensure comprehensive care for our patients.

Man using walking aids and getting help from woman

Our skilled therapists work with the individual to improve their balance, strength, and overall function through various techniques, including weight shifting, proprioceptive training, visual feedback, and task-specific training. We also incorporate education and self-management strategies to help the individual maintain their balance and prevent falls in their daily activities. Our ultimate goal is to help individuals achieve a greater sense of independence, confidence, and safety in their daily lives.

Balance training is an essential part of our approach to improving mobility and function in individuals with a wide range of conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and traumatic brain injury. At Synaptic, our balance training programs are designed to help individuals improve their stability and prevent falls by targeting specific muscle groups and working on coordination, strength, and flexibility. We use evidence-based techniques, including external cueing, visual feedback, and progressive exercise routines tailored to each individual’s needs and abilities. Our team of skilled therapists works closely with patients to identify their goals and develop a customized treatment plan to achieve optimal outcomes.

Balance problems can be caused by various factors such as:

  1. Inner ear disorders: The inner ear helps with balance and spatial orientation, and any disorder in this area can cause balance problems.
  2. Neurological conditions: Certain neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and stroke can cause balance problems.
  3. Muscle weakness: Weakness in the legs, hips, or core muscles can affect balance and stability.
  4. Medications: Some medications can cause dizziness or drowsiness, which can affect balance.
  5. Vision problems: Visual changes or loss can affect balance and orientation.
  6. Cardiovascular issues: Low blood pressure or heart problems can cause lightheadedness or fainting, which can affect balance.
  7. Aging: As we age, our balance and coordination can naturally decline.
  8. Environmental factors: Slippery floors, uneven surfaces, and poor lighting can increase the risk of falls and affect balance.

It’s important to determine the underlying cause of balance problems in order to properly address and treat them.



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